Thursday, March 29, 2007

If at first you don't succeed....

If there's one thing I've learned over the years its this. If at first you don't succeed, don't give up. Keep walking, and walking, and walking, and eventually you'll get where you are going. Or maybe you'll end up somewhere else. The secret to happiness is this: learn to be content where you are, and with what you have, and with who you are surrounded by. You'll make better decisions, and you'll learn to enjoy your life instead of striving for .... whatever it is you strive for.

So. This is my first attempt to blog, for real. I want to try to capture some of the 'journey' of the DuncanAfrica saga, and probably to my own tragic demise I will do it here, publicly. So at some points there might be some humiliation, there might be happiness, and there might be frustration. But thats real life. So check in from time to time. I'll try to keep you in the loop.

This week has been super cool. Meetings with Joe and Azita from CIDA led to an invitation to attend a workshop where we (newbies like me) began to learn the ins and outs of working with and applying to work with CIDA. Of course this entailed a few trips to downtown Vancouver, and being directionally impaired, I had a few opportunities to get rather lost.... met some very cool people at this workshop, people from western Canada, doing crazy good things in a ton of differant ways. Then today I met with some folks from YFC and CFHI....and i just realized that i have turned into someone who speaks in anachronisms. oh no...i have turned into one of THEM....anyways, it turns out that this circle of people interested in development is almost as small a world as the Christian 'world' I swear there are two degree's of separation maximum in the world of NGO's and oops - I did it again....maybe i'll need to make a glossary for you to refer to ...

ok. signing off for now...


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